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COURSE DETAILS for South course no: 24/360

Course Name Woodbridge 10k 
Race Name Woodbridge Round the Town 10k 
Distance 10km 
Measured By Roger Hobson, Grade: 2 
Measured On 18 Jul 2024 
Race Type road 
Terrain Undulating - two quite testing hills 
Surface All on town roads - tarmac 
Configuration Start spur of around 650m followed by u-turn on Market Hill and then 2 anti-clockwise laps with finish on Market Hill 
Section of Road Runners can use all of the closed road on the start spur to Market Hill and then on to Seckford Street at the start of the lap. They then keep to the left half of the road closed until they reach the Thoroughfare and Church Street where they can use full 
Right Turns No closer than 30cm to kerb where full width available or to centre of road where half width available. 
Comments Remeasure after nearly 10 years from last measure. No changes to road layout since 2015. However traffic much increased making adherence to racing line on right hand bends difficult and potentially dangerous. 
Grid Ref of Start OS GRID REF: TM264494
View in Streetmap: 626400249400
File Reference  

Race Director: To renew this certificate for a new race date go to the renewal page.

Certificates of Course Accuracy have been issued for the following races using the above course:
Course Name = Woodbridge 10k

Race (with web
site link if supplied )

County Organiser
(race director)
Organisation Certificate
Issued on
Date of
Woodbridge Round the Town 10k Suffolk Graham Bush Woodbridge Shufflers Running Club  29 Jul 2024  18 May 2025 

Course Measurement Report

A report of this course measurement will have been sent by the measurer to the first race director shortly after the measurement date. This should be consulted to check the exact details of the certified course whenever the course is used . It is suggested that runners and officials requiring these details approach the race director in the first instance. A copy of this report has also been filed by the Course Measurement Secretary, and can be scanned and sent to runners, officials, or race directors on request .

Please report to measurement secretaryany problems with using this webpage.