The course was officially measured in January 2005 by Steve Hopkins, and I issued a measurement certificate for this year's race based on that measurement. The GPS traces indicated that any error was most likely in the position of the turn point, which is not exactly at 5km. The turn point and the 4, 5 and 6k marks are located on a stretch of road with few identifiable references.
The check measurement was carried out by Steve Hopkins and Mike Sandford, and covered the section of the course between 3k and 7k. Both these points were clearly referenced to fixed features. All the marks from 3k to 7k, including the turn, were clearly identifiable on the road. We concluded that the 3, 4, 5 & 7k marks were correctly located. The 6k mark was at the wrong hedgeline, about 200m from the correct postion. The turn point was located about 55m short of the correct position, making the course about 110m short. We found signs of the original paint mark at the correct turn position.
The paint mark in the road for the turn appeared to be long-standing and remarked often. The organisers could not confirm when the paint mark was first made. We can only assume that sometime between 2005 and this year the organiser's reference for the turn was misread. We have agreed that the course will be completely remeasured before next year's race.
Runners are fortunate that this is one of a very few local races run on closed roads. However, measurement of the course under traffic is more difficult, and the remeasurement will be carried out early one summer morning to minimise the difficulties.
Phil Holland, Midlands Course Meaasurement Secretary, 11 March 2009.